Concrete Screws

Temporary anchor bolts concrete screws high strength concrete bolt corrosion resistance.

We provide two types of Concrete Screw Anchors as follows.

  • S-CS S Concrete Screws: M6 – M12
  • KBRM Concrete Screws: M8

Specifications are available upon customer request only.



S-CS S Concrete Screws

The economical concrete screw for non-cracked concrete is a versatile solution for a wide range of applications. These self-tapping screw anchors are designed for push-through installations, reducing the need for extensive drilling. With no prescribed tightening torque, they offer flexibility in installation, and their absence of expansion forces allows for small edge distances and spacings. Moreover, they are fully removable, allowing for reuse, making them a cost-effective choice. The ZP variant is ideal for dry indoor use, ensuring reliable and efficient fastening in various construction projects.

KBRM Concrete Screws

The screw anchor is designed for swift and effortless installation into porous base materials. Featuring self-tapping capabilities and a coarse thread, it’s perfect for push-through installations without the need for pre-drilling. With a substantial 60 mm thread length, it offers robust anchoring. What’s more, there’s no requirement for special tools or specific tightening torque, making the process hassle-free. For precision, a torque-controlled machine is suggested to prevent over-tightening. Plus, it boasts SITAC approval for corrosivity category C4, ensuring reliability in indoor, outdoor, and industrial applications.
